This old thing! Forgot about this. does anyone even read it anymore?
Perhaps I should be more attentive to this blog in the future. for now, I'm writing a proper book sized book - well, a smaller book sized book. the size isn't really important, though. the story will go on for as long or as short as it needs to...
perhaps i'll tell you more about it as time goes on. It's only three chapters in at the moment. there's murders, wonderful haircuts, skate parks, robots, coffee, wars, towels, morgues, museums and all sorts of impossibilities within.
as Sherlock Holmes never said (though he did enjoy the philosophy of the quote's exact opposite) "once you have eliminated what is possible, the remainder, however impossible, must be the truth." I'm making each case sillier and more impossible than the last, each of which has a really simple resolution, when you think about it without really thinking about it. Ask a five year old, they'll suss it pretty quickly. everyone else: look to the options you dismiss straight away. it's that one.
oh, and I've done lots more short stories since we last met. you can find them all at . I'll leave the exploring to you...