For anyone whos interested, the rainy day man stories follow the life and adventures of Hugh Buxton-Wells (the Rainy Day Man), a private eye who operates in the floating city of Izaakdon. it always Rains in Izaakdon, and Hugh Buxton-Wells is the only person in Izaakdon who will feed the pigeons when it rains, because no one else wants to.
in his adventures he encounters master criminals, mad new friends and madder new foes. for the current stories under production, Rainy Day Man is set in 1930s Oxford. (as opposed to 1920's Izaakdon.)
when I was young (probably about eleven) i wrote two Doctor Who short stories, the 4-part "attack of the Sasslas" and the 7-part "Nazi Monkeys from Neptune". about fourteen, i wrote 3 Rainy Day Man short stories and two "Efsmeer the Elf" short stories. all of these have been lost to history...