There is a mad thing that happens in you mind when you do something that scares you. When you do something that really makes you quiver inside, something so powerfully against what your character knows, when you are so far out of comfort zone that you cant think straight at all.
Everyone has characters. Like how fictional people have characters in books, real people have characters. All their characteristics merge together to make them unique and special. Its probably the best thing about us as a species. We are amazingly complex when it comes to our psychology.
As far as I can tell, people have two main characteristics that drive them. The first is the thing that they love to do, their passions. The second is their fears. These things connect together to make them special.
For me, the first is a desire to make people happy. Whether it is a friend, or someone you don't really know, I love to make people feel better. Probably because I was bought up to think this. Cheering people up is really easy, when you think about it. Usually its a good laugh that does it. Sometimes all you have to do is listen to them and let them rant. I have a good memory for the little things people tell me that don't really matter, but I can bring them up in conversation to make people feel better. Its a very good tool.
The second is my fear of rejection by friends or others. I hate to see friendships die, or not come to anything at all. I hate when I miss out on making friends, and I regret not knowing people better. Added to this is my unluckiness in love, that makes my nerves worse than anything else. I have bad nerves. You can tell when I'm nervous because I stutter a lot.
Put these two things together and you get a basic description of yourself. For instance, my two things added together make me someone who is desperate to spread optimism, and hates losing people, or not making the friends you want. I myself am very optimistic. I have high hopes for the future, and don't really worry about things that could depress me. If I don't like it, I don't think about it. Ignorance is bliss. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone is this way though. I think everyone wants to make people happy.
Back to the scares you theme that I started with. I got a bit sidetracked. What I was going to talk about is the mad energy that you get. It makes you feel alive and excited. Something is amiss. Something is happening that is new. My rule of thumb is to never underestimate the importance of the new, and to never forget the importance of the old. There has to be a place for the original and exciting but consider the past all the time.
It is one of the best feelings to be scared. I love it. Your mind runs better, faster and more efficiently when your scared. You get an unlimited amount of energy.
I'm not a thrill seeker though. You wont find me throwing myself off things or jumping into things. I'm way too nervous for those sorts of things. I like fear in small doses.
How about you? What are your main passions, and fears? What do they make you like? I'd love to hear about it.
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