Sunday, 20 March 2011


the first five rainy day man stories are bieng rewritten.

guest writer Jonny Gilbert (an honorary Mark Gatiss here at the geek speaks) has added some lovely ideas to the rainy day man line.

the rewrites will be small, and the new copies (the revised collection of rainy day man) will be available by the end of the day.

also, a new rainy dya mna story will be squeezed into the current story slot. i wont talk about it too much at the mo, but its working title is "I am Rainy Day Man". this was to go between the "curious case of the grinning man" and "the hideous case of Thaddeus Silversleeve" to break down the different styles both stories have, and have a normal sort of rainy day man story in between.

while you wait, "the curious case of the grinning man" is now ready for reading! email me if you want a copy

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