Tuesday, 17 May 2011

is there such a thing as "the good old days"?

 through a mix of curiosity, and boredom, and needing of a laugh, i visited the BNP website. scrolling through all the wierd, old fashioned policies they put on their manifesto seems to reak of the "good old days".
  there weren't any "good old days". i refuse to believe that "good old days" excisted, because "good old days" don't sound good at all. throughout the twentieth century there were wars, riots, resessions, power corruption and greed. none of it was particulary good for anyone.
  what could possibly be good about the second world war? why was "back then" such a paradise? from what i hear, it was hellish. whats so good about families bieng split up, children evacuated, constant threats of bombs, rationing and near-nazi invasion? it wasn't exactly an easy-old time. there was 'blitz spirit', and the feel of community, but i'd rather have peacetime than the knowlege of my neighbours names. who cares about neighbours? they are just people who live next door. its happenstance that you live in such close proximity. you could be friends with them, if you wish (i'm not arguing against making friends), but i don't get the push for 'community'. i'd rather pick my own community.
  perhaps, after the war, times got better? no, not really. 'cause then, there was the cold war. two stupidly powerful nations, each with their own equally stupid idea, governed the fate of the world, cause they couldn't get along. (for the record, i think communism and capitalism are equally shit. you can't have total dependancy of the state, but you can't have total independancy from it, either.)
  ratrioning and rebuilding was still going on, but to throw more troubles into the shit-storm was the fear of nuclear holocaust. sounds all song-and-dance, doesn't it?
  won't go into too much detail about the riots, the recessions, and the rich that messed around in britian. there was a lot of it, i hear. it wasn't until the fifties and sixties until the teenager came along. before that, there was little oppurtunity for university, no NHS, and too much emphasis on the elders.
  the young adult could spread their wings a little more, with cheaper uni's, and pop music, and groovy new fashions. things were getting better, but still... it doesn't compare to today.
  how are the "good old days" better than today?
  since when could you talk to anyone, anywhere in the world, for free? since ewhen could you listen to music and talk to people on the same devise? think of all the awesome things that the twenty-first century has bring with it. what is wrong with all this new stuff? it's  ace!
  why are people so scared of CCTV? its only cameras. they haven't got guns trained on you or anything. i can hear the elderly crying out "they're watching us all the time!" are they? really?
does the government care that you baught your shopping from morrisons? or walked your dog?
don't you think they have important things to watch?
the good old days haven't happened yet. perhaps, when we are old, we might be able to say it. though by that time, the young probably have jet packs, or robot eyes, or lasers, or something equally cool. so we probably won't be able to.
more rants to come. 

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