Thursday, 6 October 2011

on returning to university, and not going out

  this week was the first one back for the second year of university. if I had the blogging talents of the Fantastic people who make these awesome blogs, (here and here) then perhaps I could go into detail more on some of the events, such as the odd question on the bus, and my awkward introduction to my film course. if these things were made up, perhaps I could talk about them in better (or at least some) detail, however my journalistic and autobiographical skills are no match to other blogs. (did i mention this one and that one?)
  not going out, a past time I enjoy, might be coming back to haunt me, however. the world of the student outside lesson circle seems to take place in the clubs, town nights and house parties. I don't have much talent for such things, and might be losing out as a result.
   it might not matter, though. I have got through life pretty well without going out too many times (I do occaisonally wander in, out of curiosity and a need to keep up with the times and things), and I bet there's other ways to keep up with the student social world without going to town every night. all I need to do is find out how...

(in case you were wondering, I was unnessecarily introduced to my film course by another one of the teachers, for no specific reason. the method used ("hi everyone, this is Izaak, he'll be joining your film course. he's brilliant!") suggested a "he's a bit special and scared of everyone, so please be nice to him" approach. then I could find a chair, and stood about like a divvy for a bit while i looked for one. not the best "how do you do.")

(as for the bus, someone i don't really know from my history, but know enough to say hello, asked me on the bus, unespectedly, and quite loudly, "are you single?". it wasn't until after i made some sort of excuse that he explained that he ment single honours. i had misunderstood. however, throughout the week I did get a cake, and a couple of hugs from a couple of lovely friends, so it wasn't all bad.*)

*just to make sure you know, i'm not a bit special and scared of everyone, despite evidence to the contrary.

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